On the feast of St Benedict, 11 July 2020, the White Robed Monks of St Benedict South Africa became a new autonomous foundation or Abbey within the White Robed Monks of St Benedict monastic order.
The Order established its first missionary presence and started ministry in South Africa in 2009. Because of our welcoming and non-judgmental approach to ministry we have been overwhelmed by requests to be ministered to in one way or the other. We have walked with many couples preparing for their marriages and officiating at their wedding ceremonies. We have been present with families grieving the loss of their loved ones and providing dignified funeral services for them. As a welcoming community we have celebrated New Life with many through Baptism and Confirmation. We continue to welcome all who join us for the daily celebration of Holy Mass at our Chapel of Saints Sergius and Bacchus and our Chapel of St Luke. We also celebrate house Masses in family homes whenever requested, celebrating together the gift of Christ Himself to us in the Eucharist. We have walked with many through difficult patches in their lives through listening, pastoral counseling, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We have been present also with many who are sick and suffering at home or in hospital, celebrating with them the Sacrament of Anointing, praying with them for healing, and just being present with them.
Our community of Monks and Clergy strive to make the world a more compassionate place. Currently with the Covid-19 pandemic we are reaching out to people through various feeding and clothing projects, among others. Holy Mass is also live-streamed every Sunday morning at 10 am from one of our chapels during this time. These projects are made possible by your generous donations to our ministry.
As we enter a new stage of our life and ministry in South Africa, we thank the Lord for calling and leading us in sharing His unconditional love for all through our ministry and also thank all who have assisted our community in any way. We look forward to reaching out in ministry to all and welcoming all who are looking for a vibrant and welcoming community!
Many blessings to you and yours,
Bishop Oliver.